Ranks and Insignias of the United Federation of Planets

Star Fleet Ranks

Rank Insignia Star Fleet Rank Rank Abbriviation
Fleet Admiral {1} FADM
Rank Insignia Star Fleet Rank Rank Abbriviation Rank Insignia Reserve Rank Rank Abbriviation
Admiral {4} ADM Admiral {6} ADMR
Vice Admiral {6} VADM Vice Admiral {10} VADM
Rear Admiral {8} RADM Rear Admiral {14} RADM
Commodore {10} CMDR Commodore {20} CMDR
Captain {50} CAPT. Captain {75} CAPT
Commander {200} CDR Commander {300} CDR
Lieutenant Commander {375} LCDR Lieutenant Commander {600} LCDR
Lieutenant {1110} LT Lieutenant {2500} LT
Lieutenant Junior Grade {3500} LTJG Lieutenant Junior Grade {6000} LTJG
Ensign {6500} ENS Ensign {6000} ENS
Midshipman {2000} MIDSM Midshipman {3000} MIDSM

Federation Land Forces

Rank Insignia Federation Rank Rank Abbriviation
Federation General {1} FGEN
General {6} GEN
Leutenant General {8} LGEN
Major General {10} MGEN
Brigadier General {14} BGEN
Colonel {250} COL
Leutenant Colonel {350} LCOL
Major {850} MAJ
Captain {2500} Capt
Leutenant {6000} LT
2nd Leutenant {8500} 2ndLT
Cadet {2000} Cdt

Merchant Fleet

Rank Insignia Merchant Fleet Rank Rank Abbriviation
Merchant Fleet Admiral {1} MF ADM
Mechant Admiral {10} M ADM
Merchant Vice Admiral {15} M VADM
Merchant Rear Admiral {25} M RADM
Merchant Commodore {35} M CMDR
Merchant Captain {350} M CAPT
Merchant Commander {650} M CDR
Merchant Leutenant Commander {1550} M LCDR
Merchant Leutenant {3215} M LT
Merchant Leutenant Junior Grade {7487} M LTJG
Merchant Ensign {9629} M ENS
Merchant Midshipman {3000} M MIDSM

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