Before selecting an Area/Department, you may like to check out the Duties of each. By clicking on the icons below you will be transported to the "Duties site" and then return to be transported to "Senior Staff". When you are happy you can use your BACK arrow/button to return here.
Link to Duties Site.Link to Senior Staff.

Link to USS Constellation Character's Gallery

**To return to this page after submiting your form, use the back arrow on your browser.**

Ship's Sign-UP Form

We ask that you answer as many Questions as you can and leave the remainder blank. We can and will work out any other details in future communications.

Your Info

Q 1 : Which area/departments of the ship are you interested in joining?


Q 2 : In which position/level would you be interested in serving?

***Required to construct a website which supports the SHIP and Department.***
***You will also be required to post your Department's Duties here for quick reference by members of your Department.***

2 i/charge
NCO Crewperson

Q 3 :If you selected one of the first three options from above would you attend our Academy?

Q 4 : Have you served on a Simm or RPG ship before?


Q 5 : Do you currently have your own homepage?


Q 6 : If you answered yes to *Q4* please state Ship, Training received,Rank held, Character name and short Character backgound below. If you answered yes to *Q5* and would like us to visit your home page, please enter your URL.

You You can add any other comments you may have here as well!

Q 7 : Would you like to have your own homepage after joining the ship's crew (FREE of course)?


Q 8 : Which ship in Adm. Transzed's Bajoran Sector would you like to belong to?

USS Constellation(Flag Ship)
USS Huron
USS Budge
USS Amphion
USS Nelson
USS Triclop
USS Paragleese

Q 9 : From the list of images at the USS Constellation's Charater Gallery, which image would you like to use to represent your Character?

Image Number:

Q 10 : Which Time Zone are you in?
Time Zone:

If you haven't heard from us within 5 days.. we've had a signal interuption. Please return here and resubmit your request for duty.
If you would like to view the Actual Full Size Ship's Crests as seen in miniture above, then click on the LINK below (PAGE 5).

Feeling confused?...the Captain or I will glady answer your questions via sub-space (e-mail) comm channels below.

Fleet Admiral Transzed

Interested in becoming a member of Admiral T'Sonaria Seven's Crew:
USS Vulcan Visionary Enlistment

****Go to Page 1 (Main Page)****
****Go to Page 2 (Crew Access Site)****
****Go to Page 5 (Ship's Crests--NEW--)****
****Go to Page 3 (Comm Panel)****

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The above is the Registered Owner of this Site.

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ICQ is the sole property of Mirabilis
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