I am taking this opportunity to welcome you aboard DS9-A-2 and to the USS CONSTELLATION SIMM group. May you enjoy your visit and have many happy adventures with us. As you can see we have spent many hours and much effort to bring these sites to you. Please feel free to browse all of the sites associtated with our endeavours. The links on this page will lead you to other sites which will in turn lead you to all of our endeavours.
We will be running scenarioes which will change each week. New ones will be added which will replace the older ones as time goes on. These SIMM's will attempt to cover a variety of situations and events which we hope will be to your enjoyment and that you wish to participate in. You will be assigned a position with in the ship's crew and take your directions from the SENIOR STAFF (Head of Department-HOD) during the running of the SIMM.
Please feel free to put forth any idea(s) you may have in this area to one of the members of the Command Team. We will endeavour to bring your idea(s) into play in one of the future SIMM's to be developed. It is our intention and aim to make all visitors feel welcome and a part of this crew.
Our missions will entail researching the unknown areas of the galaxy, as well as, combat missions to defend the Federation against hostile and aggressive intruders. Our primary mission will always remain that of maintaining peace and tranquillity in our sector of space, to discover new and wonderful places as well as races with in our galaxy.
I run a tight ship. You will be asked to leave if you conduct a social chat during a SIMM with other crew members you meet here and the chat does not involve the mission at hand. Chats of this nature have many other locations on the web in which to be conducted. We prefer that such chats be conducted after the SIMM has terminated. I or the XO will start the SIMM and it will not end until we give the ORDER "STAND DOWN".
The SIMM's will run for one hour once a week (Starting Monday September 22nd 1997 at 9:pm ET). We will be running the SIMM on the same day and time frame each week for ease of Staff and Visitors alike.
If you wish to Sign-Up as a member of the crew you are able to access the --Sign-Up--Form from the Comm Badge under the Pertinent Links section of this page or the Comm Badge to the right of the XO's on Page 2 of this site. We look forward to hearing from you.
May you live long and Prosper
Fleet Admiral B.G. Transzed
I am pleased to announce the appointment of Admiral T'Sonaria Seven as the Commander of Star Fleet Earth Fleet & Defence and Chief or SF Personnel with HQ located in SF HQ.
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