Fleet Admiral Transzed
Chief of SF Intelligence
Chief of SF Training Facilities
Commander Alpha Quadrant
Commander Western Fleet
Commander Bajoran Sector
Commander DS9-A-2
Chairman SF Grievance Council Star Fleet HQ.
Chairman SF Grievance Council Western Fleet
Temporary Commanding Officer USS Constellation
Flag Ship USS Constellation

Western Fleet/BAJORAN Sector/Headquarters aboard DS9-A-2

Ships of the Bajoran Sector and Their Crests. (more to follow for the entire Western Fleet)

Bajoran Station DS9-A-2USS Constellation NCC 74943-E
USS Budge NCC 84327USS Amphion NCC 645327USS Huron NCC 59973
USS Triclop NCC 74385USS Nelson NCC 74456USS Paragleese NCC 74855

Interested in becoming a member of Admiral T'Sonaria Seven's Crew:
USS Vulcan Visionary Enlistment

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